Play Time at Work!

June 18, 2010

In order to acquaint the new employee’s with the company products, NADA Scientific holds “Show & Tell.” This week I was able to play with the Happy/Unhappy balls. I was handed two black balls. They looked similar and felt like they weighed the same weight; however, when I dropped them onto the table they did not react in the same manner. One, the unhappy ball, fell like a rock. I could see why it was named “unhappy”. The other, the happy ball, bounced like it was play time. I proceed to ask questions about the product, and I found myself bouncing the balls throughout the conversation. While we only spend a few minutes each week having show and tell, I find it both educational and fun!

Split Second

June 17, 2010

It is sad how fast tragedy strikes, and how long it takes to heel.
As I watch the news, I am reminded daily reminder that the oil clean-up is going to take time.


June 4, 2010

This month is going to be the month to see the planets. It depends when a person is able to look at the sky, to determine what planet they will be able to see. I am looking forward to observing: Venus before sunrise or sunset; Saturn in the late evening sky, and lets not forget Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus.